Here at Belly Balance, we offer a rich collection of articles designed to support and inform you about various aspects of digestive health. Whether you suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), are looking for food-related tips and recipes, or simply want to explore gut-friendly lifestyle choices, we have something for you.
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- Food and IBS
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- IBS workouts
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IBS - What is it?
Bloated , constipated or having a gassy stomach? IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal disorder, meaning no physical issues can be found in the stomach or intestines; they just don’t function quite as they should.

How the app works
Download the app and become part of our community. We assist you in achieving a calm and happy stomach through treatment and tools available directly in the app.

By learning which foods upset your stomach, you can make conscious choices and get quick symptom relief. With the low FODMAP diet, you receive structured assistance in understanding which foods your body tolerates better than others. No more guessing and pondering – you get the answer straight away!

Does your stomach swell up like a balloon after lunch? Or perhaps after all meals? Have you tried figuring out what triggers a bloated stomach without really grasping what causes the gas that can create discomfort in the form of both pain and bad odour? It could be that you, just like more than 13 million Brits, have IBS.

Abdominal Pain
Stomach pain is a symptom that many people experience, but for those with IBS, the pain can be recurring and sometimes challenging to manage. Pain is a component considered to always be present in the diagnosis of IBS. However, not everyone with IBS experiences stomach pain; many instead feel a kind of discomfort in the stomach.

The symptoms of IBS are entirely harmless but very uncomfortable to live with as they often impact daily life. Life with IBS can also vary depending on the symptoms one experiences. Some may have mild gas issues, while others may find it challenging to leave their homes. The average time for an IBS diagnosis is seven years.

So what are our most common symptoms of IBS really? IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) affects 15-20% of the world’s population. About 70% of those affected are women, but the disease also affects men and children.

Weight loss with IBS
Do you find it difficult to lose weight with IBS because healthy foods seem to worsen your symptoms? You’re not alone. Nutritional advice can be confusing. Let’s explore some strategies for weight loss that are tailored for those with sensitive stomachs.

Stomach Gas
Balloon stomach, stress stomach, milk stomach, or irritable bowel. IBS has many names, and they all signal a stomach imbalance. Gas in the stomach gives you a tense, swollen, and bloated stomach and is a very common symptom of IBS. Why does the stomach become bloated like a balloon?