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Good Food for IBS

Knowing what is good food for IBS is not always easy, as it is not possible to tell just by looking at a food item whether it is good for the stomach or not. Diet is a crucial factor in IBS, but what type of food is classified as “good food for IBS”? Let’s explore this further.

Characteristics of good food for IBS

When we talk about “good food” for IBS, we mean foods that are:

Easy to Digest: Non-fermentable foods pass through the digestive system without affecting stool, causing unnecessary gas formation, or bloating.

Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation in the intestinal tract, making the intestine healthier and more resilient.

Unprocessed: Many additives such as stabilisers, emulsifiers, and sweeteners have been shown to negatively impact the intestine and gut flora.

High in Fibre: Yes, you read that right! Everyone needs to eat more fibre, but for those with IBS, it’s important to choose the right type, and there are many fibre-rich and gut-friendly foods to choose from.

List of good food for IBS

Now that we understand the important characteristics, let’s look at concrete examples:

Vegetables: Here are IBS-friendly examples:

  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Potatoes (without skin)

Fruits: While many fruits can be high in FODMAPs, there are still many options that are good for IBS:

  • Bananas (especially if they are unripe)
  • Blueberries
  • Kiwi
  • Orange

Protein sources: Several protein-rich foods are gentle on the stomach:

  • Chicken and turkey
  • Fish, especially fatty fish like salmon and mackerel
  • Eggs
  • Tofu

Grains: Some grains are mild for the stomach and can be a good part of an IBS-friendly diet:

  • Oats
  • Rice (preferably whole grain)
  • Quinoa

Many people with IBS react to caffeine and alcohol. If so, drink:

  • Low FODMAP tea
  • Water

In the above list, you see a selection of foods that are stomach-friendly. Since we are all different, you may tolerate more foods without symptoms. You’ll know for sure after undergoing the FODMAP treatment. The treatment starts with keeping a food and symptom diary, which is a helpful tool to gain insights and later identify which foods work best for you. In the Belly Balance app, you’ll find a food diary, lists of good food for IBS, a barcode scanner, recipes, weekly menus, and our digital IBS treatment.

Sofia Antonsson 
Reg. Dietitian, Belly Balance

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